Contact Us
We are always ready to talk to you. Please feel free to use the contacts below to request any product information, support, or to place an order.
Our office hours are 9:00 to 17:30 GMT, Monday through Friday.
MicroProcessor Engineering Limited
133 Hill LaneSouthampton SO15 5AF
Tel: +44 (0)7803 903 612
Fax: +44 (0)23 8033 9691
Skype: mpe_sfp
USA tel: (901) 313-4312
Please note that the U.S.A. number rings in the U.K.
Midday U.K. time corresponds to 7 a.m. on the U.S. east coast and
4 p.m. U.K. time corresponds to 8 a.m. on the U.S. west coast.
See the banner above for the current UK time.
Email Contacts
How to find us:
Ordering Information
New Customers
For new customers we require payment by one of the following methods before we can ship a product:
- Cheque – must be in pounds British sterling, drawn on a U.K. bank.
U.S. and Non E.C. Customers – you may write a check in U.S. dollars from an American Bank, but please note there will be an additional charge of 12.00 pounds plus 2½% of the invoice amount for payment by a U.S. check. This is to cover foreign transfer and other bank charges in this country. - Credit and Debit Cards – we accept Visa and Mastercard. Please provide the full name and address of the card holder (the address at which the card bill arrives), card number and expiration date, and the three digit CSV/CSC number on the back of the card.
U.S. and Non E.C. customers should note that there are no currency conversion charges when paying by credit card. - Bank Transfer – Normal electronic funds transfers are fine, great and wonderful, especially if you could be gracious enough to let us know by email that they have happened. However, if people have to get involved with the bank, there is a fee of 20.00 pounds, necessary to cover our bank charges. Please contact us for our bank details.
Current Customers
If you have purchased anything from us before, you need only send us your purchase order information and we will issue you an invoice. Our terms are payment within 30 days. Goods remain the property of MPE until paid for.
EU countries and VAT
All British customers are charged VAT. If you are from another country within the European Community, please send us your VAT registration number (including the country code), if you have one. Otherwise we are obliged to charge VAT at the current UK rate, 20%.
Pricing and exchange rates
Go to the pricelist page.
The Euro and US dollar prices are updated twice daily, based on information supplied by the European Central Bank. For more information on ECB exchange rates, click here.
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